Local Links
If you're like most homeowners, the information you need to even assess whether or not a new development is being handled legally can be overwhelming.
Here are a few links that will get you started in learning about how development in Colorado Springs works and how you can find out who owns a property.
El Paso County Assessor:
You can research who owns a property via the El Paso County Assessor's site. You can also find out the square footage of a property, the structures on the property and the square footage of the land it sits on, and what the history of the property regarding sales and transfer of ownership.
"Zoning Property and What it Means"
This shows the different zoning requirements and areas, and what setbacks are required when a building is built. It also shows how much land can be used for a building.
"On Property Lines"
The title is self-explanatory - basic information on how to find property lines or the services of a surveyor.
"Historic Preservation"
Our Westside neighborhood is listed on the state register of historic places, but we don't have any of the protections, yet, in relation to this historic significance. Properties (and whole neighborhoods, such as the Historic Old North End) may also be listed on the State and/or National Registers of Historic Places. These designations protect historic neighborhoods and can even provide rehabilitation money through tax credit incentives.
"Westside Could become Latest Historic District"
The best article to read on this subject was written not too long ago by John Hazelhurst (2016) and published in The Colorado Springs Business Journal.
Below are pertinent pages from the "Fire Department Access Information Packet" from Colorado Springs Fire Department, revised 2016. (The 2000 version is the same regarding 20' access.) Here is a link to the PDF of this Packet in its entirety.